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"Well I think..."

January 1, 2024, 12:00 AM

Psalm 82:1-2 God presides in the great assembly; he renders judgment among the

“gods”: “How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked?

      When I was in high school, we had a debate team. It seemed like some of the sharpest students were on that team. They learned the skills of debate and thinking and would compete with other schools. I don’t know how many schools still have such groups, but debate is more popular than ever. Social media has given a platform to opinions and ideas that before, would have rarely been spoken aloud. Any opinion can now be ‘in print.’ This has led to a feeling that there really aren’t definitive authorities.

     But Scripture paints a different picture. In today’s passage we see that God Almighty presides. He renders judgment among the “gods.” In other words, the things that we have elevated and given undo credence to. It’s easy to think that idolatry is a problem with other people in other places. But if we aren’t careful, we can be guilty of idolatry even without the presence of little statues or incense! We love to make gods of our opinions. We can too easily react to situations with, “Well I think…” It’s okay to have an opinion. At some level it’s a sign that one is thinking. But the problem comes when our opinions are just ours. When they arenot based upon a higher authority. Like Scripture. God’s Word.

     When I elevate my opinion above what God says, not only have I created an idol, but other unexpected consequences show up. Consequences like defending the unjust, or showing partiality to the wicked. (Even the idea that someone could be wicked is highly unpopular today. More evidence of how much we love our own opinions and disregard God’s.)  

     We are at the beginning of a new year. What better time to reevaluate how we want to look at things? Rather than a list of resolu-tions that may or may not be realistic or doable, why not commit to one thing that will impact your life for good for eternity - reading the Bible! I can’t expect to know what God thinks if I don’t go to the one source He has provided. By daily Bible reading I can come closer to God. By daily Bible reading I can learn to think God’s thoughts after Him. When I begin to do that, I will be far less likely to revere my own opinion first!

       Happy New Year! And may this be a blessed year for you!

Pastor Russ