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That's It!?

July 3, 2023, 9:34 AM

Hosea 1:10 Although they have sold themselves among the nations, I will now gather them together. They will begin to waste away under the oppression of the mightyking.

    Have you ever had a situation where you were trying to help someone or just trying to be kind to them and they just rejected everything you offered? Someone who was way out-side the bounds of manners. Isn’t it tempting in those situations to just be done with them! To walk away with some version of, “that’s it!” on your lips. I know I have!

    Israel’s story began with their deliverance from Egypt. As they were about to enter the Promised Land Moses gave them some warnings. He told them they must stay true to God and avoid idols or else they would eventually be exiled from the land. But it didn’t take long before they were involved in the very thing God had said no to: idolatry. Numerous warnings were given by the prophets for the people to change their ways. Hosea was one of those. 

    What I find so amazing about God is not that He kept His word. They were exiled. They did suffer for their disobedience. What is amazing is the attitude of God in all this. It was their rejection of Him that led to their problems. Their suffering was completely due to their refusal to obey Him. Yet even before He removed them from the land, He was telling them that it wouldn’t be forever. Before punishment fell, He was telling them He would again save them.             

    “Even though they sold themselves among the nations (the implication is ‘like a prostitute sells herself’) I will gather them together.”  

    Sometimes people mischaracterize God. They think the ‘God of the Old Testament’ is harsh. Mean. Looking out to see us fail. ‘The God of the New Testament (Jesus) is nice.’ This is just willful ignorance! If we read the Bible we see a completely different picture. Throughout the Old Testament we see a God of grace. A God who deals with people in grace and love. A God who forgives and adopts. A God who gathers. He doesn’t intend to lose His people.

    How could it be otherwise? They are One. In the Gospel of John 14:8-9, we read of Jesus with His disciples. 

    Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”

        Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?

    God loves you. He doesn’t intend to lose you. 



Pastor Russ