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That's Ironic!

January 29, 2024, 7:27 AM

Psalm 110:1 The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”

    I have always been interested in irony. For example, when I first started teaching I noticed the custodians had a massive key ring. I thought they must be important. But I learned that the important one had only one or two keys! When we think of someone of great importance, we often picture them standing in front of a crowd. We generally see our presidents this way. But in today’s passage it’s sitting that is the sign of importance. 

    David was a great king and writer of many psalms. But we don’t often think of him as a prophet. Yet in this psalm he certainly was speaking prophetically. He was writing of some-thing far in his future. Something that we see, in part, in the past. 

    Jesus came to earth and for about 33 years He lived among us. There were glimpses of His role as King but generally He showed Himself more as a servant. His life was full of irony! He was enthroned, in a manner of speaking, on a cross. He was lifted up, but not in a way we would choose! He was buried to rise again. After His resurrection, He went back to the Father but He said He would come again. After all that He did, what is He doing now? Sitting at the right hand of the Father! (In fact, He is sitting there making intercession for you and me. He is, you might say, praying for us!) That is part of David’s prophecy fulfilled. 

    But then there’s the footstool part. When Jesus comes the next time, He will not be coming in a manger. He will not appear the meek carpenter teacher from Nazareth. He will come in power and He will come to complete His long project started, not in the garden of Gethsemane, but in the garden of Eden! He will return to set things right. He will, among other things, subdue those who stand against Him. 

    But in another example of irony, He began that process long ago. Because of His death on the cross He made a way for us. I, who was once an enemy, knelt at His feet, confessed my sins, and received forgiveness and new life. Jesus wants to take His enemies and make of them His followers! I think the footstool business is only for those enemies who refuse His offer! What an irony: God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God! 


Pastor Russ