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Basic Instructions

March 25, 2024, 7:28 AM

Luke 16:31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”    

    Probably we all know someone who doesn’t like to read instructions. Whether it’s a toy for the kids or an Ikea bookshelf, they get a project and they begin. They feel they know how things should go. Sometimes it works out and other times not. Occasionally, after all attempts have failed, they resignedly look to the instructions. 

    Jesus told a story of a rich man and Lazarus (not the one that was Jesus’ friend). These two both died and are in their respective destinies. The rich man is in torment, made worse because he can see the paradise that Lazarus occupies. In fact, Lazarus is with Abraham. Too late the rich man cares about his family and asks Abraham to send Lazarus back to warn them to change their ways before it’s too late. Abraham’s response is very interesting. (It’s Jesus’ story, so it’s really his response.) “They have Moses and the prophets, let them listen to them.” Moses and the prophets would be the first century description of what we call the Bible.

    This rich man was desperate for his family to change their ways. He just knew that if a miracle occurred that they could witness, it would be the difference. Yet, Jesus seems to have a different take: let them read the Bible. 

    It seems that many people today, even self-identifying Christians would rather do al-most anything than read the Bible. They might be willing to go to church and have someone else read a little Bible in their presence. Or they might enjoy listening to Christian music that has little snippets of the Bible in the lyrics. They might enjoy reading Christian books that reference the Bible. But the Bible itself? Not so much. The Bible isn’t hip. In fact, it’s really kinda old! But it is God’s word! And it is vital!

    Isn’t it interesting, even ironic, that Jesus would be the one to say that if people won’t listen to the Bible, they won’t believe God, even if someone raised from the dead? We are about to celebrate and commemorate just such an event. We may look forward to great music or even a good sermon. But let us not ignore the instructions for life that God has provided to us. 

    Reading the Bible everyday is like having a conversation with Almighty God every day! When I read the Bible I can be confident that what I read is what God thinks. And the more I read the Bible, it will be more and more what I think! 

    I can’t read the Bible for my family and friends. But I can read it for myself and let God use that. I believe that as I am careful to listen to His voice through His word, He will be faithful to me.


Pastor Russ