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A Name For Yourself

June 26, 2023, 7:39 AM

Hosea 1:10 “Yet the Israelites will be like the sand on the seashore, which cannot be measured or counted. In the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ they will be called ‘children of the living God.’

    Our actions help craft our reputation. Parents instruct their children with the hope that ‘they will make a name for themselves.’ Meaning of course, a good one! But whether we set out to or not, we are always in the process of making a name for ourselves, whether for good or ill. 

    Hosea is a prophet some have little knowledge of. He wrote around the same time as Isaiah. Names are important in his prophecies as God instructed him in the naming of his own children as illustrations. Israel, the Northern Kingdom, had made a name for herself. She had, since her breaking away from Judah, the Southern Kingdom, chased hard after false gods. Her idolatry was her defining characteristic. By choosing idols instead of God, she had, in effect, chosen a new name - Lo Ammi (Not My People). Her history is one long, sorry tale of idolatry and evil. It would be easy to see why God would disassociate Himself with that kind of behavior!

    But Hosea tells of a coming day that feels unexpected. He tells of prosperity rather than poverty. More shocking, he predicts that there will come a day when they will undergo a name change. When a child is adopted, it is often a joyful occasion. I have had a few students who went through this and were very proud to tell me their new name. That new name meant they were chosen, wanted, and loved! Israel would one day trade in ‘Not My People’ for ‘Children of the Living God!’ That is an upgrade for sure!

    But that is not in store for Israel only! Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. He came to save us from our sins. Before we come to Jesus in confession and repentance, seeking forgiveness, our name is also ‘Not My People’. (At least as far as God is concerned.) But afterwards, Jesus declares us forgiven and we are given a new name - one that is written down in His book! 

    I once was ‘Not My People’. I could as easily have been known as liar, cheat, thief, or any number of other unflattering names. That was before I came to Jesus in confession and repentance and asked Him to forgive me of my sins. Now I am a child of the One True King! I am a new creation! I once was lost, but now I’m found! Was blind, but now I see! 

    This new name is not one we can claim for ourselves. It must be bestowed upon us by God. If we feel we already deserve it because we’re really a pretty good person, we don’t have it. It’s only when we realize that the name we’ve made for ourselves is ‘Not My People’ that we can come to Him and humbly ask for a name change.



Pastor Russ